Saturday, October 24, 2009

my great fall?

living a little life, doesn't make you a little person..this world are full of miracles, it takes us to believe that it happen to everybody.and it certainly do; even when we detest such things to happen...i still thinking and it seem this soul-searching of mine will longed in my very curious mind for the past, i would always asked myself why such and such events occured to me especially when it came to bad matters..but as much i would blamed the person around me and the situations,it actually would come back to my mind that perhaps, i shall reflected it to myself before i'm pointing to much as i understand this, i did not understand anyone that could not understand my stand or even their's? why they are so protective of the truth and love to stand under someone else's shadows?does armouring yourself with other's word will really save you?after a few great falls, human seem to learn not to repeat the history twice..however by not repeating the same mistake again, they yet are makingthe same mistakes each time...i am broken and shattered but i never let the scars to keep pulling me into the slump...i've paid for my innocent to make me worthy as a human..and if you try to make me repeat about my past, i would gladly say that, i'm lucky to fall now instead of falling later because it makes me realise more that it's not only you that i need but also Him that is holding my sane andsoul...i'm not a quitter as even in the hardest time, i still climbing the cliff eventhough the edge is killing me...maybe today, for things that i am working on seem small to your eyes...but i shall say that it always meant a big things to me..

photo humpty dumpty by tioandria

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